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A Tribute to Mothers

Writer's picture: nbc medianbc media

Updated: May 21, 2021

A Tribute to My Mother

Obviously being a mother is not something I can speak of from experience. However, I do value my own mother who began her learning experience with me as her first. During my teen years, Mom opened up and shared with me some of the personal struggles and questions she dealt with as she learned about being a mother. It was not easy for her to have 4 children arriving in the space of 6 years, with a fifth surprising the family a few years later. She was transparent regarding her mistakes and struggles which I highly regard her for. She was willing to re-evaluate traditions and assumptions that had been handed down in her family and culture and to change where she saw the need.

As she sought to know God and please him, I witnessed her grow in strength, wisdom, peace, and purpose.

She loved me even when I was difficult to love, and never let me doubt how important I was to her. Mom’s fervent prayers for me were answered by the Lord, for which I am eternally grateful. Mom went to be with Jesus earlier this year. I think of her often and look forward to the day when I will speak with her again in God’s presence.

To Every Mother

Every mother who seeks to know God and love their children is gifted with grace from God.

Grace enables you to care for your children, sometimes even beyond your natural ability. When tired, weary, and even overwhelmed you continue to give and do what is needed for your children. At times, I am told, being a mother can be very rewarding as your efforts are appreciated and love reciprocated. I hope this is your present experience. As with any worthy calling, motherhood involves continual learning and growing in the knowledge and love of Jesus.

Being a mother has its blessings, but there are other times when it may be difficult to see the grace of God in us. During difficulties, we may focus on our weaknesses, failures, and shortcomings; whether real or perceived. Many of us know those familiar thoughts that we should have been better, we should have tried harder, or we should have done more. This is all too common for a mother who is on call 24/7, and whose limits are regularly tested. In the low times, I encourage you to remember how Jesus sees you and how He regards your efforts of love.

When Jesus looks at us he does not see our weakness, failures and faults! These are things he forgives, forgets and covers with his love!

When the Lord looks at us he sees the good we have done and the love we have shown! What God remembers is our labour of love, even the simplest kindness shown to a child; whether they are 4 years old or 40!

Sacrificial Love

A mother’s labour is rewarding when appreciated, but sometimes it is sacrificial. God encourages us to continue with the works of love knowing that he will not forget our labour of love, especially to his children. (Hebrews 6:10)

A mother’s simple and mundane daily tasks can sometimes seem unimportant in the grand scheme of life in this world. However, Jesus reveals how much he values even the simplest gestures of kindness when he stated that even a cup of cold water given to his little ones will be rewarded in heaven. (Matthew 10:42)

Loving and caring mothers have much to look forward to in God’s kingdom because Jesus said those who are willing to serve, to put others' needs before their own, and do the least of tasks, will be honored as great in the kingdom of God!

Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else... Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but also my Father who sent me.”” Mark 9:35, 37 (NLT)

My Prayer For You

This Mother’s Day our hope and prayer is that you will not feel alone, but know that others are thinking of you and that we care about you.

This Mother’s Day our desire is that you will not feel isolated, but that your heart will rest with an inner confidence that others are praying and believing for the riches of God’s blessing to be yours.

This Mother’s Day we trust that you will not feel taken for granted, but understand that you are valued because God values you enough to give his Son Jesus’ life for you, and has now chosen to show his love through you.

This Mother’s Day may you realize how privileged you are that God has given you the task of caring for those who are the most precious and important to him - the little children.

This Mother’s Day may you find peace and joy in the assurance that you are precious to Jesus, that even your smallest selfless act of love is remembered by the Lord and will be honored by him one day.

Happy Mother’s Day

Pastor Ivan

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